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CapKold specializes in providing solutions for high production foodservice operators by offering advanced sous vide and cook-chill systems. In environments where time and labor are crucial, their products address the challenge of balancing food production and demand. CapKold's unique and advanced design elements, including intuitive controls and ergonomic features, aim to enhance efficiency, prevent injuries, and streamline workflow. By utilizing their systems, commercial kitchens can achieve consistently high-quality and better-tasting food, reaching the next level of food quality and consistency.


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Texas & Oklahoma Region

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Steam Kettles

CapKold steam kettles excel in high-volume kitchens, offering durability and peak performance for daily meal preparation. Their bottom-mounted discharge valve facilitates efficient transfer to pump/fill stations without compromising delicate menu items, and with capacities ranging from 50 to 300 gallons, these kettles adapt seamlessly to the dynamic demands of commercial cooking.

Manufacturer Highlights


CapKold tumble chillers are user-friendly with automatic controls and integrated heat exchangers. The recycling tanks conserve water, and the stainless steel construction, coupled with a 1 hp direct drive motor, ensures durability for quick and safe large-volume batch chilling.

Pump/Fill Stations

The CKPF/3, with its twin-lobe design, safeguards delicate foods and enhances versatility in commercial cooking settings. Features like foot pedal operation and a positive cut-off nozzle improve convenience and functionality. Its caster-mounted design and robust construction offer an ergonomic, mobile pump/fill solution capable of handling diverse product types.

Learn more about Pro Reps

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