We are proud to announce www.ProRepsCares.com!
A helping hand in a time of uncertainty. Professional Reps is currently designated an essential business both at the federal and state level. We consider this time our opportunity to take action and help those who need us the most. This website is dedicated to serving your needs during this unprecedented time.
- COVID-19 Information
Open invitation to weekly Zoom meetings
Free online resources
(100% virtual)
- Equipment Demonstrations
- Dealer Sales Meetings
- Factory Hosted Training
- Territory Manager Meeting
- After-Sales Support
- Customized Meetings
Resources specific to:
- Foodservice
- Healthcare
- Sanitation
Products including:
- Cashier Barriers
- Hands Free Sinks
- Face Shields
- Chemicals with claims
AGAINST Coronavirus
- Hand Sanitizers and more
Please visit www.ProRepsCares.com for more information!